Causes of ear pain while swallowing


News: The causes of ear pain when swallowing, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news news website, a site of information was established in 2016 to provide new news on the Arab and international scene Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports scene and from other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the causes of ear pain swallowing

Monday, July 16, 2018 22:06 News The problem of l & # Ear is a common problem in adults and children, and is not usually serious, and often results from a simple infection that causes all of this. The pain often goes away in a few days without treatment, but the pain can be very severe re and become severe by swallowing, can affect one or both ears. Why you feel a pain in the ear when swallowing:
There is a link between your throat and your ear through the nervous system, you may suffer from sore throat, here are some common causes of pain in the # 39; s ear.

1_ Ear Wax:
Increasing the accumulation of earwax or foreign matter stuck in the ear can cause earaches, so do not try to remove anything from your baby's ear or ear. So, you can try ear drops to soften the earwax and help it fall naturally. The tubes are responsible for regulating the pressure and mucus flow, the tubes can swell due to infection, leaving less mucus to evacuate, excess mucus accumulates and provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth.

The middle ear infection is very common in children. So, you can try Anticonvulsants to help remove any obstruction in the tube, and you may need to use antibiotics to completely eliminate the infection.

Ear Infection:
If you say, my ears hurt me when you swallow and you suffer from some of the following symptoms, you may have been suffering from a severe infection of the ear.

You will notice the following symptoms in children who have otitis

1_ difficulty sleeping
2_ pain in the ear
3_ weight loss
4_ difficulty answering sounds
(19659006) Adults:
Adults with ear infections will have the following symptoms:

1_ pain in the ears

2_ hearing loss
3_ discharge of fluid from the ear.

4_ throat infection:
throat infection can also cause pain in the ear, due to the relationship between the ears and the throat through the nerves and tubes.

Tonsillitis caused by bacterial or viral infections and tonsillitis causes many symptoms of sore throat, including ulceration of the ear in case Ingestion, but antibiotics often act against bacterial infections, but you should consult your doctor to make sure you are taking the right dose.

6_ Laryngitis:
Factors such as excessive use of vocal cords, infections and excessive smoking can also lead to inflammation of the larynx. You can experience a loss or cholera with many other symptoms associated with colds or flu. Laryngitis makes it difficult to ingest anything and can even cause pain in the ear, and can cause harm. throat to determine the appropriate treatment. By swallowing, we inform you of our news, Ali Hassan, we inform you of the news with transparency and credibility, causes of ear pain when swallowing, do not forget to follow us on the networking pages of our website to inform you about political, economic, technical and sports news.

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