Causes of white spots on the skin of elderly women


News: The causes of white spots on the skin of older women, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site news, a website of Information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content to show you the Arab and international news from many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical arena and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the website site News, the causes of white spots on the skin of women I hope you get your satisfaction and trust with us Dear visitors, The causes of white spots on the skin of older women.

Thursday, July 5, 2018 22:06 News News Stains appear on the skin for several reasons, most cases are caused by a loss of pigmentation. Many of them are harmless and can be treated at home, but if you have a mole that changes shape, color, texture or body every day or from time to time, you should take a test medical.

What color gives the cells?
The skin takes its color from a natural pigment called melanin, which produces cells called melanocytes.Melanin is produced by the oxidation of tyrosine, an amino acid, followed by polymerization, Melanine.

Melanin is an ultraviolet (UV) absorber that can dissipate up to 99% of radiation, which generates human melanocytes, resulting in dark skin, which protects the skin of our body. UV damage, which reduces the risk of cancer.

Although the study is continuing, it is said that the darker the melanin, the darker the skin, the lower the risk of skin cancer.

Melanin is present in the skin, brain cells, the inner ear, the retina, the hair and the adrenal gland. Melanocytes are present in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although the amount of these cells is almost the same in all individuals, the synthesis of melanin varies.

This variation in melanin synthesis is what determines the skin color of an individual. In some individuals, there is no combination of melanin. This condition is called vertigo. In this case, the skin of the individual is white and there is no color in the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes and hair on the head.

A group of melanocytes can raise moles, age spots, freckles and other spots on the skin. Sometimes there may be a decrease in melanin production causing white spots. This is what is called hypoglycemia.

Due to age and many other factors, these melanocytes can sometimes damage or degrade completely. This can be seen in all age groups. Although the white spots that appear on the skin of an older woman are caused by a condition – called an idiopathic melanin deficiency.

What is the deficiency of Idiopathic Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis?
is a disease that causes white spots of size 2-5 mm to 10 mm, called patches to appear on the skin as you get older. Anonymous means "unknown cause", meaning "like a tear" and hypomelanosis refers to the loss of pigmentation, or the white color of the spots that appear.

It is known to affect owners with fair skin more sensitive than those with higher melanin concentrations, and these spots appear in the body part exposed to the sun.

Women are more likely to develop this problem than men, especially at the age of 40. Sometimes this condition is mixed with Vitiligo, where melanocytes die or no longer produce melanin.

The causes of melanin deficiency are unknown:
– Age: More cases have been recorded with age, since the hair follicle is inevitable for many, with less melanocytes in the epidermis, This leads to an increase in the condition, and these spots appear on the legs before other places of the body.

Exposure to the Sun This situation can occur due to sun damage, as excessive exposure to the sun causes not only browning of the skin, but also white spots on the skin.

– Unsaturated seborrhoea: is a non-cancerous cutaneous tumor that originates from keratinocytes located on the upper layer of the skin. These can cause the occurrence of idiopathic melanin deficiency.

Methods of treatment:
We speak very frankly, there is no cure for this disease associated with aging. As we know, it's like shaving hair, inevitable. In addition, no treatment is necessary because these white spots are completely harmless.

– Makeup – If you are very aware of these spots and do not want to undergo medical treatment, makeup is the solution. While it may help cover facial spots only, you may not have the patience to cover all the spots on your body.

– Laser Therapy – Laser therapy can be used to permanently eliminate this type of discoloration. Although laser therapy contains a set of side effects that you should be aware of before choosing them.

– Cryotherapy – Liquid nitrogen is used here to freeze tissues at the cellular level.

– Microdermabrasion – A thin scraper is used to sand your skin.

– Phototherapy.

Chemical peels – Such as phenol husks.

– Retinoids – Like tretinoin cream.

There are also some home remedies that can be tried, although the results are not specific:
– Cabbage – Merge cabbage into your diet. Apply or drink cabbage juice. He is known to help in this case.

– Walnuts and Figs – These two contain a lot of antioxidants that help fight sun damage.

– Ginger Juice – Drink or apply ginger juice with a few drops of lemon juice directly on the spots.

News: The causes of white spots on the skin of older women, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan Follow us, hope to be informed of the news with complete transparency and credibility, causes white spots on women's skin All new political news, economic, technical, sports, health news, and various new news on the new white spots on the skin of older women.