Children's beats lead to brain changes and aggressive behavior


Tomorrow – A group of pediatricians provided counseling, reinforcing the disadvantages of corporal beatings and punishments of various types inflicted on children, due to the risk of long-term harm.

According to a report posted on the Arab21 website, citing the American Academy of Pediatrics, the damage could include aggression, brain changes, substance abuse and suicidal behavior in children at age adult.

In the past, the American Academy of Pediatrics argued that parents should be "encouraged" not to follow this method. But these days, the academy says that parents should not scream, hit, slap, threaten or humiliate their children, but instead should look for other "healthy" forms of discipline and behavior modification. .

The group of doctors points out that blows – especially in young children – are incompatible with parenting.

Although some parents still believe that beatings can lead to behavioral improvements at least over a short period of time, recent studies suggest that these beatings are no more effective than nonphysical sentences, including time-outs. , fixed limits, Not desirable for children.

Doctors also suggest giving children preferential games and less time to play them. "Although many children who have been beaten up during their childhood have become adults, happy and healthy, current evidence suggests that blows are unnecessary, in the long run."

Studies published over the past two decades have reinforced the evidence that blows can make young children more aggressive and more difficult.

Other studies have linked corporal punishment in childhood with late brain changes in adulthood, including gray matter decline, elevated stress,
In addition to suicidal behavior, drug use, anger, among other possible consequences of violence.

The academy also warns of serious verbal abuse in which children are insulted, citing research linking them to depression and the rebellious behavior of teenagers.

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