Coffee helps prevent serious liver disease


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Eating a cup of coffee daily increases the number of measures to prevent acute liver disease, according to a study by a scientific team from the Mayo-American Hospital, led by Craig gastroenterologist Lambert.

According to Dr. Lamert, moderate daily coffee consumption can halt the initial inflammation of the yellow canals responsible for cirrhosis, liver cancer and shortness.

"Primary infections are primary bronchitis, an autoimmune disease and its unfortunate consequences," said Lamert.

The disease develops without apparent symptoms, causing biliary flow disorder, stagnation and absorption in the blood, and here shows jaundice. Because yellow stasis increases the pressure in the yellow sac because of this, irreversible changes occur in the liver cells, leading to their deficiency.

The study included a large number of patients with the disease. According to Lamert's findings, the amount of coffee needed to prevent this serious illness should not exceed one cup per day.

Source: Forum Medicom

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