Concerns about the re-emergence of AIDS again for this reason … Masaru


Fear of the spread of AIDS again for this reason

11:01 p

Monday, July 23, 2018


Experts from Amsterdam warned Sunday that the fight against AIDS requires billions of extra dollars, otherwise the disease could spread again around the world.

The International AIDS Conference: "We will have a problem if we do not get more money."

DePaul was President of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.

He explained that the worst possibility is a combination of two elements, lack of funding, Due to the sharp increase in population in the countries most affected by the disease, especially in Africa He said: "These two factors together can lead to a major crisis, "warning of the loss of control over the spread of the disease.

Today, 36.9 million people in the world are living with the virus, and current treatments are successfully curbing the spread of the virus. And this allows the patient to coexist with the infection.

For the first time since the beginning of the disease, the number of deaths and deaths has decreased in 2016.

But the United Nations says that fighting the disease costs $ 7 billion a year. Is in the process of becoming a global health crisis in 2030.

Experts are particularly concerned about declining US contributions to this
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