Confirm Galaxy Note 9 prices in a pre-order promotion sticker


  Galaxy Note 9 confirmation in pre-order promotional sticker
Galaxy Note 9 confirmation in pre-order promotional sticker

  Galaxy Note 9

Samsung will officially unveil its Galaxy Note 9 August 9, and despite the coming date, leaks related to this phone continue to flow on the Internet. The most recent information we have today came from Indonesia, where the phone was pre-ordered, showing us the price.

The phone will cost 13.5 million Indonesian rupees, or about 940 US dollars. This will cost the 128GB version of the internal memory, and the 512GB of internal memory will cost about 17 million Indonesian rupees (about US $ 1215).

Galaxy Note 9 will arrive in Asia in three different colors: black, blue and brown, but the 512 GB version of the internal memory will not be available in brown. For anyone wishing to receive the prepaid Galaxy Note 9 between August 1 and August 9, they will be notified of a range of free offers such as Samsung Smart TV and a free 12 month data plan.

[19659028] These prices and colors correspond to those of last week. By Roland Quandt when it was said that the phone would cost between 1 050 and 1 250 euros in Europe The photo also shows that the pen pen S Pen for the blue phone will be yellow, and we talked about it earlier this month .

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