Controversy over the benefits of dietary supplements … Are they safe or are their risks doubling?


This ended with a Briton who had taken green tea pills during a liver transplant, which brought the debate back to the forefront about supplements. Is there a risk in taking these supplements?

Jim McAnts started eating green tea tablets in the hope of improving his health, but this substance had adverse effects on his health after being badly damaged by the liver and asking for a transplant. liver.

Food supplements are subject to EU standards for safety, health and health information promoted by manufacturers. Supplements made by big names are believed to be safe, provided that the manufacturer's instructions for use are followed by the manufacturers, according to the doctors.

But there is a misconception that the supplements are harmless, according to a medical professor at the University of Nottingham, Wayne Carter. Excessive doses of these products, more than recommended, pose a health risk. Although the body often eliminates excessive amounts of extra food, these tablets can pose a danger to the body because they can turn into toxic substances, particularly damaging the liver.

But if there is a danger in taking these products, what are the health benefits that can be derived from them?

Experts Recognize the Positive Impact of Some Supplements on Health and the UK National Health Care Authority Recommends that Pregnant Women Take Folic Acid Supplements Up to the Twelfth Week of Pregnancy to Prevent Children from Having Abnormalities congenital diseases.

Vitamin D supplements are of great importance to infants, the elderly, and other people who are not exposed to the sun, including patients receiving home care or wearing clothes almost outdoors. It is also recommended to take vitamin supplements for everyone in general.

Vitamin D deficiency, which is often manifested during sun exposure, can lead to bone abnormalities such as paralysis or osteoporosis in adults.

The pediatric physician of the Royal British Orthopedic Surgeon, Benjamin Jacob, said that dietary supplements were also necessary for those who were on a severe diet and people with different types of allergies, while the National Health Care Commission recommended to vegetarians to take vitamin B12 supplements, Foods produced from animal sources.

However, evidence of the health benefits of other types of dietary supplements is still weak. For example, the Health Care Authority has stated that it is possible for the body to get everything it needs through a balanced diet without the need for vitamin supplements, with the exception of vitamin D.

There has been no evidence of the benefits of the heart and brain power of fish oil tablets. Scientific experiments have shown that the supposed benefits for heart health are at best "low".

Carter advises people to get advice by reviewing scientific evidence confirming the benefits of any type of dietary supplement before taking them and making sure that the warning can be written.

(Arabic BBC)

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