Cotton oil the last natural treatment of "harmful" cholesterol


Many people suffer from high levels of harmful cholesterol and may increase the risk of serious cardiovascular events such as heart attacks or strokes. A high fat diet can help to increase cholesterol levels, but a new study found that the consumption of some type of oil that can prevent the negative impact.

In general, there are two types of cholesterol: HDL, also called "good" cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which people describe as "bad" cholesterol, because they can interfere with circulation and increase risk of heart attack. However, researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens found that adding cottonseed oil to a high-fat diet could lower LDL cholesterol levels.

The researchers found that the diet rich in cottonseed oil reduced total cholesterol by 8%, average LDL cholesterol by 15% and triglyceride levels by 30%.

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