Curry powder resists cancerous tumors


. Curry

A recent study by scientists at the University of California revealed that a chemical in curry powder can resist cancer.

Scientists believe that curcumin, a chemical in turmeric that gives yellow curry powder, the growth of cancerous tumors in the breast and blood, rendering cancer cells less able to destroy or destroy 39, other cells.

Curcumin, already thought to be able to fight cancer, is 500 times more potent than it was thought

] When melting drugs commonly used to treat leukemia with turmeric, the tests revealed that curcumin-induced

Researchers say that the results of experiments on mice were "unexpected" and now hope to develop a cancer treatment using curcumin.

This substance can be used to fight cancer because when it is present in blood binds specific types of enzymes called DYRK2. Once connected, the cells can not multiply rapidly.

Researchers show that the hallmark of cancer is the ability to grow rapidly and uncontrollably, but can be slowed down by curcumin.

"In general, curcumin is expelled from the body" Due to various chemical defects, curcumin alone may not be sufficient to completely reverse cancer in human patients. "

" Due to various chemical defects Curcumin alone may be insufficient to completely reverse cancer in human patients. It may one day lead to the development of more effective treatment in the control of cancer cells with fewer side effects.

Source: Daily Mail


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