Daily Mail: The birth of the first genetically modified twin in China is safe from HIV


The Daily Mail newspaper featured a scientist who claimed to have helped create the first genetically modified human being in the world while working in Chinese laboratories.

Chinese researcher He Jianqui said that the binoculars' DNA research had been altered by a modern technique known as " CRISPR-case.9, Which works on DNA (DNA) Provide a necessary gene or disable one of these problematic factors.

The Lulu and Nana children would have been born a few weeks ago and are resistant to HIV infection.

An American scientist said he was participating in the work in China, but this type of genetic modification is banned in the United States because of the risks that could result. "DNA" Such as the mutilation of other genes, these potentially dangerous changes could then be passed on to future generations. If Dr. Jiankui's claims were true, the "brutal" experience was totally unethical.

Dr. Jianqui, from the Shenzhen University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, said that his goal was not to cure or prevent hereditary diseases, but to try to give a trait that few people have "the ability to resist HIV infection" "He said.

The parents concerned refused to reveal their identity or interrogated them and did not specify where they lived or where the work had been completed.

Giancoi announced the organization of an international conference on gene release scheduled for Tuesday.

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