Damage to human bite and diseases caused by


News: Bites and diseases caused by, we are always eager to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction by our news site, an information site was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive information content to present you new news about the Arab arena And the international many reliable sources of information, where we diligently follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports scene and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the damage caused by human bites and diseases [SundayJuly820181:05amNewsNewsMedicineDoctorsthathumanlearninghasbeenperformedthirdplaceafterthemsomewaresanddecommendsthatthosehumanimpairandmaladiescausedbythatmanypeoplehavebeenmightedandthattheyare;estétrangemaisunemorsurehumai
Studies on the human bite:
Many studies have included the underlying diseases transmitted by bite, and in one of the studies that included about 92 people were bitten by some individuals, and for the location of the bites about 60% In the upper part, while 15% of the bites have taken place in the head and neck and that we have studied the case of people who have made of them 39 others, it was found that 86% of the cases were associated with alcohol. .

Diseases Caused by Human Bite:
1- Infection: Human mouth contains high levels of germs, and in the case of bites, these bacteria pass to the other end , where human wounds contain flora According to studies, about 10-20% of human bites are infected. Oral fluoride is known to contain about 190 different types of bacteria.

2 – Hepatitis B and C: Studies have shown that these viruses can easily go through the human bite, especially the hepatitis B virus. In a recent study Anyone who shows bites should have laboratory tests to make sure they are safe from hepatitis B.

3. HIV: There is a new theory that HIV can be transmitted by bite, where many cases of this disease have emerged after being bitten.

Herpes: Doctors also reported that some patients who had been bitten by herpetic disease were infected because the bacterium responsible for the transmission of the disease could be present in the saliva and go through the bite.

5. Rabies The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the sting can affect rabies, so that the patient must clearly understand the signs and symptoms of injuries caused by bites that may occur. accompany with symptoms such as fever heat and odor from the place of infection, dryness, vomiting, swelling, pain and inactivity, therefore, anyone bitten should consult the doctor or health centers early to treat the patient. infection and prescribe the necessary antibiotics. Follow the doctor's instructions, and also inform the patient of any potential complications that may develop his injury. We inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan Follow us, hoping to be informed news with transparency and credibility, damage to human bites and diseases caused by, do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site to bring you all new [6659012] News: Human Bite and Illnesses Caused by – News News – News Journal – News: Human Bite and Damage Caused by. And the diseases that they cause.

Source: Mursal

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