Dear Mother, 5 Natural Ways to Increase Children's Hair Density


Dear Mother, 5 Natural Ways to Increase Children's Hair Density

Dear Mother, 5 Natural Ways to Increase Children's Hair Density

There is no doubt that the nature and density of hair vary from one child to the other. It is not allowed to compare children and even brothers and sisters. Each child has different genetic characteristics, but you can focus on the diet, which is the best solution to take care of your hair by providing the vitamins and minerals necessary for their growth:

Milk and its derivatives: one of the most important sources of calcium, one of the most important minerals for the growth and health of the child's hair. Be sure to give the baby a glass of milk at least twice a day.

Fruits: Serve yellow and orange fruits for your baby, which are a good source of vitamin B, which strengthens the hair follicles, and vitamin A, which promotes the health of the scalp glands. Citrus fruits such as orange and pineapple are rich in folic acid, which strengthens the hair through its roots and protects it from falls.

Eggs: The body provides protein, biotin and manganese, essential for healthy hair, feet for your child boiled twice a week.

Fish: a good source of fatty acids, especially omega-3, which helps stimulate hair growth.

Meat: Delicate chicken legs or red meat allow your baby to have strong muscles and healthy hair, as well as other nutrients such as biotin, zinc, iron and Amino acids that help strengthen hair follicles and protect them from hair growth.

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