Dermatology – Benefits of Weight Loss


  The problem of thinning in weight loss

The problem of thinning is one of the most bothersome problems that plague many people in the world, many methods slimming and many prescriptions that help slim down so much

Al-Jahdah is an aromatic herb characterized by its bitter taste, known by many names, including jinn, crescent, fish , the wind and other names. A plant rich in several therapeutic elements of therapeutic efficacy, contains rumen grass Flavonoids and some carbohydrates, glucose, fructose, sucrose and other elements This herb acts on worms and toxins, disinfects the & éléments éléments & &,,,,,,,,,, stomach bacteria and has many other therapeutic benefits useful for the elimination of many diseases, including the elimination of excess fat and thinning. 19659003] The Benefits of Crispy Slimming:
The jasmine herb regulates the work of the thyroid gland and regulates its secretions and achieves balance and activity in the body and protects the body The problem of overweight and fat accumulation The herb helps eliminate harmful fat and cholesterol in the body.It helps rid the body of waste and fats in the stomach and the body. intestines, which contributes to a lean body.

This plant is useful during diet and weight loss. The feeling of fullness, which reduces the amount of food consumed, helps this herb cleanse the body of impurities and toxic substances, to take advantage of the grass from the gas crumbs and bulbs and to generate energy. urine and rid the body of toxins. . [196]

The first type is the chalice:
This herb has many names such as citrus, ground oak and crumbs.This herb is characterized by a large amount of disinfectants and Volatile essential oils used in strengthening The muscles of the body act at the same time as an appetite suppressant and promote the treatment of gout, rheumatism and joints.

Type II Cockerel Shield: 19659004 is a herb known in many countries called crispy and windy white leaves. Dressed in white and white cotton It has a soft texture and aromatic taste, containing a range of disinfectants and sprays. volatile oils that stimulate urination and relieve menstrual pain in women, as well as the treatment of wounds, treatment of jaundice and the elimination of pain.

1 – This herb works to maintain the blood sugar level properly.
2. Works to boost fertility in women and is useful in cases of infertility and uterine cleansing
3. This herb is useful in the management of the uterus
3. This herb is useful in the management of the I & # 39; urine and relief from menstrual pain.
4. This herb helps the expulsion of worms and gases and works to rid the body of toxins
5. This herb is useful for appetite and appetite.
6. This plant is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and works to eliminate colds.
7 – Eliminates stomach pains.
8. Increases sexual ability of both sexes and activates
9. Maintains cholesterol levels and protects the body against harmful cholesterol.

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