Detecting the launch date of the Samsung folding phone


The US Wall Street Journal revealed Samsung's intention to launch its foldable phone in early 2019, the first report of its kind that goes beyond many speculations on the phone to turn it in reality. The first manufacturer of a folding screen phone to boost long-term demand for its products. Our technology companies will be able to compete with Samsung because its phone will be the first of its kind.

The phone should come out with a 7 Inch when it's fully open, which is similar to a small tablet, while the phone can be folded

The report says that Samsung's final design may change, but the project has become more pressing in recent months, becoming a priority for senior executives. According to Sky News.

The report does not mention anything about the Galaxy X, the name of the expected phone, but the phone should represent the third series of Samsung to join the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note.

The initial launch of the phone is small scale, but the commercial release will be on In the second half of 2019.

It is expected that the new phone will cost more than $ 1500.

The reason for the high price is due to the new screen technology as well as the external display, the larger battery and the more powerful processor, which will inevitably increase its price.

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