Discover the cause of alcohol addiction


The details of this story reveal the cause of alcohol addiction

LONDON (Reuters) – Researchers have discovered that alcohol abuse can be caused by a genetic mutation that forces some people to consume more alcohol for entertainment.

Researchers know that alcohol triggers neurons in an area known as the Ventral Polar Area (VTA), a dopamine compound that affects many sensations and behaviors and plays a key role in the sensation of pleasure, of happiness and dependence.

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have now identified the micro-channel used by alcohol to induce interactions and affect sensations, KCNK13.

However, some people naturally have a smaller amount of KCNK13 channels, which means that they have to drink a "much bigger" touch for pleasure.
The study, published in the journal Neuropharmacology, used mice in a set of experiments to test their hypotheses.

In one trial, the researchers reduced the KCNK13 gene in ATVs by about 15% compared to normal mice. Poor mice drank 20-30% more alcohol than their natural counterparts.

"We believe that mice labeled with channels lower than KCNK13 in the VTA drank more alcohol to achieve the same effect as alcohol achieved by normal mice," the researchers said. "Alcohol can cause less dopamine in the brain.

Professor Mark Prodi admitted, however, that they did not know how much alcohol a person with a low KCNK13 could drink.
Another alcohol response test was observed in the ATV zone of mice, with less KCNK13 than in normal mice, where the neurons of genetically modified mice were 50% less susceptible to infection. Alcohol than those of normal mice.

Professor Prodi said: "This study suggests a" very exciting "goal in terms of drug development that can help alcoholics."
In theory, there may be several ways to pharmacologically target this protein to treat alcohol consumption disorders.

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Source: Arabs Today

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