Discover the effects of food intake on the health of kidney failure patients


The health

Discover the effects of food intake on the health of kidney failure patients


Oleksiy Maksymenko / http: //

Reducing calories is necessary in case of kidney damage

Scientists have discovered that it was necessary to reduce the amount of food in case of kidney disease, especially ischemia.

Scientists from the Moscow University have published in the journal Cells the results of a study to determine the incidence of calorie counting on the treatment of people with kidney damage.

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The researchers tested this method in patients with renal failure and found that after one month of caloric restriction, a positive effect appeared in their body.

"It has been shown that reducing the amount of food to one third of the normal amount can maintain kidney function even under conditions of ischemia," says researcher Nadejda Andrianova.

The researchers pointed out that the rule of "reducing food consumption" was only useful for young patients with kidney failure because the body of the elderly, according to scientists, more sensitive to the factors harmful, therefore requires special treatment.

Source: Forum Medicom

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