Diseases beyond the body shaking and shaking


News: Diseases beyond vibration and body shake, we always want to provide distinctive information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website, a website of Information was created in 2016 to provide you with news about the Arab and international news. Many reliable news sources, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political arena, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the site of news news, diseases after vibration and trembling body, hoping to get your satisfaction

Saturday, July 28, 2018 16:07 news News There are many reasons that lead to vibrations in the body such as thrill, and these vibrations what is normal and what This indicates a danger to the body and we will examine with you the types of vibration to which the body is exposed and why and what are the different risks to which these vibrations refer.

The causes of bodily vibrations
The causes of body vibrations are manifold:

1 – feeling of cold: It is normal for cold to cause a jolt in the body and for this tremor to occur in the blood It increases the feeling of cold, and advises the exercise and movement when the person is cold, because it helps the circulation of blood and reduces the feeling of cold, especially in winter.
This tremor may be caused by certain diseases such as:
Rising body temperature: When fever is caused by fever, it is caused by a respiratory virus or any other Body disease And lead to high temperature and lead to a feeling of cold and chills.

– Thyroid Problems: When there are thyroid gland problems or a defect in the thyroid and marrow functions, it works at different body temperatures and at the onset of certain disorders and imbalances. In the body because of the feeling of cold.

– Iron deficiency in the body: This occurs because of iron deficiency in red blood cells in the performance of its better defined functions that provide oxygen to all body parts. This means that the lack of iron in the body acts to inhibit red blood cells and the sensation of cold and chills that affect the body and therefore the sensation of cold, the patient should go see the doctor to see the reasons for this cold and thrill.

2 – Parkinson's disease: Parkinson's disease is a disease that causes severe tremors in the body. It is a nervous disorder caused by the lack of dopamine in the body, which naturally promotes body movements.

Parkinson's disease is often caused by an inherited disease caused by a virus in the nervous system or by damage and atrophy to the nerve endings.

Parkinson's disease causes a series of symptoms, such as:
1 – Javelin in the hands and legs and extends to the face and jaw
2 – The Parkinson's disease causes movement difficulties and a loss of balance in sleep and insomnia during the night.
3. A jolt in the body that results in difficulty in controlling many different things and difficulty in catching and shaking the face causes the food not to be well chewed
Pronunciation problems.

3. Epilepsy: Epilepsy is one of the most serious diseases affecting the body, resulting in severe bodily vibration and sudden convulsions, due to hormonal imbalance resulting in electrochemical waves leading to a dysfunction.

The epileptic patient's symptoms fall to the ground and shake violently and can not respond to any reaction and do not understand what is going on around him.

This type of patient does not have to drive, swim or do business that could take his life during this fight.

and must be with him on a continuous basis the people close to deal with him in this fight.

4- Vibration of the beginning of sleep: is a vibration that occurs at the beginning of sleep is an involuntary tremor before falling asleep immediately and to feel the patient several problems like jumping or is about to fall.

The incidence of these tremors increases from the beginning of sleep and occurs in the following cases:
1 – Persons who do not sleep on fixed dates
2 – Frequent consumption of stimulants containing a percentage high caffeine.

As this feeling is repeated, a person gets out of sleep and can not sleep easily.

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