Doctors and smokers ask their patients to stop smoking


Abu Dhabi: Dana Shaaban

No one disputes the extent of the damage to health and serious illness caused by smoking. However, a significant proportion of medical personnel are physicians and addiction technicians, while they require that smokers quit smoking longer. Count.
Such behavior is rejected by doctors who smoke, requires the intervention of the health services and the health sector concerned to reduce it.
Preventing smoking in health facilities is a good thing, but disincentives must be taken by medical staff.

They refuse to talk about the problem

The Gulf spotted a doctor at the hospital's hospital, who smoked his cigar before advising his patients to refrain from smoking and met a number of doctors to talk to them about this behavior. unacceptable, which must be reduced. The director of one of the health centers who asked not to be named, said that a large part of the medical staff smoked and that we were not allowed to meet medical personnel. In other health centers, the doctors confirmed that they smoked and could not talk about this behavior.
Some doctors find that it's usually hard to avoid smoking and others because of the pressure of their work or their personal lives, or even the fact that they advise their patients to stop smoking, so that it is not easy for them to accept their advice, The doctor himself emits the smell of the smoker. It's not easy to quit in most of these doctors. Getting rid of nicotine residue that the body drinks for many years is difficult, starting with the psychological support of the psychologist to take off. They all met My only one, as considered that providing tips to quit smoking for patients, doctors who are smokers, is absolutely wrong.

The proportion of doctors who smoke a few

Dr. Said Abdullah bin Ishaq, a doctor and professor of oncology, said that the percentage of smokers was low, knowing that smoking was harmful, while the proportion of smokers of his medical friends did not exceed 20%, noting that he had been smoking 45 years ago because of the psychological stress and tradition of colleagues in the study. And the percentage of psychological stress leading to smoking does not exceed 20% and the ocean as friends and colleagues in the study 80%.
He added that the doctor is a human being and that he tends to deviate from the right path, but, aware of the fact that he is aware of the situation and reduces his direction, the knowledge of something and knowledge of risk does not lead to unacceptable behavior. It is therefore natural to have doctors and smokers, especially because they are under a lot of pressure.
Therefore, as physicians, we need to create an environment that does not promote smoking. I hope the doctor will be an example of his behavior when he advises patients.
Dr. Saleh Fahmy, consultant and head of anesthesia and intensive care in a private hospital, said, "I smoke, although I know and believe that it can lead to cancer and lung disease and can To me, it is considered wrong and unacceptable to recommend Patients stop smoking and I smoke to have difficulty with my predecessors.
Dr. Mohammad Ziad, a general practitioner in a private hospital, said: "Smoking is a bad habit for me and my behavior is unacceptable.I find it very difficult to stop it, despite my many attempts to m & # 39; rid of it.I smoke at the time of my work.I know that it is wrong to advise patients to quit smoking and I am a smoker because I consider them as an example, but I can not no, one of the patients if you smoke or not.
Dr. Mohammed said. An anesthetist smoker in a hospital smokes and smokes during work only when he returns home, despite his knowledge of the dangers of smoking. "I consider that smoking is bad and unacceptable, and I do not consider it an addiction because I do not complain about smoking in Ramadan, And I try to help patients quit smoking by counseling, especially 24 hours before the operation because the damage can affect the process, but some do not accept the advice.

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