The problem of diabetes does not impede the process of fertilization, but affects the fertility of women by another: when fertilization of the egg is not properly implanted, many women with diabetes get themselves complain of early abortion repeated because of the inability of the egg to stabilize the uterus.

Early abortion, hormonal imbalance and damage caused by eggs are obstacles that diabetes puts in front of a successful pregnancy

In other words, the diabetic suffers from several handicaps: firstly, the uterus is less able to receive the pregnancy and, secondly, the effect of high blood sugar on the hormonal balance, essential to the success of the pregnancy.

The third constraint is the negative effect of high sugar levels on fertilized eggs, which can be damaged due to high sugar levels, resulting in malformation of the fetus, and fourth: complications of diabetes, caesarean section and increased risk of infection during childbirth.

In addition, women may not have diabetes before pregnancy, but insulin does not work as it should and diabetes occurs during pregnancy and after the fourth month. It is necessary to control the sugar level well to avoid complications that affect the development of the fetus.