Does getting up early reduce the risk of breast cancer?


A sleeping woman

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LONDON (Reuters) – British researchers are less likely to develop breast cancer in women with early diagnosis.

But the scientific team at Bristol University has emphasized the need for further research to find out why.

The study, conducted by researchers, was presented at a Glasgow Cancer Science Conference.

The biological clock

Each person has a "biological clock" that regulates the body's work throughout the day, also called "daily rhythmic clock".

It affects everything from sleep to mood, to a heart attack.

It is said that he gets up early at the peak of his activities early in the day and begins to feel tired early in the evening.

But there are those who have trouble getting up early, so be active late at night and prefer to sleep late.

Is it linked to breast cancer?

The researchers connect the two things. They used a new method of data analysis based on the examination of 341 parts of DNA monitoring the watch pattern.

The researchers used this information in an experiment involving hundreds of thousands of women.

The study found that people who got up early were less likely to develop breast cancer.

As these parts of the DNA generate humans and are not related to other known causes of cancer, such as obesity, researchers have become confident that the biological clock is linked to the possibility of a cancer.

What influence?

In Britain, almost one in seven women has breast cancer.

But this study looked at a brief (8 years) vision of women's lives.

During this period, it was found that 2 out of 100 women in the late group had breast cancer, compared to 1 in 100 women who woke up early.

"These results will probably be very important because sleep is a permanent behavior, easy to change," said Rebecca Richmond, a researcher at the BBC.

"Previous studies have examined the impact of shifts, but this study suggests that one factor may affect all women."

Does sleeping well at night help prevent cancer?

It is not so simple.

Dr. Richmond stated that it was still too early to offer clear advice to women.

"We still need to know what makes people who wake up late are more likely to have cancer than those who wake up early," she told the BBC.

Is it something about the body's biological clock? Does this affect the level of hormones and therefore susceptibility to cancer, or does it affect the immune system or metabolism?

Many questions must be answered.

Are the researchers right?

Scientific research is not 100% safe, but the results are consistent with a broader and clearer picture.

The World Health Organization said that any disruption of the body clock, due to shifts, could be related to cancer risk.

Dr. Cleona Kirwan, a consultant in breast surgery and a researcher at the University of Manchester, said that the study "has excellent results and provides new evidence on how our biological and biological clocks our natural sleep preferences affect breast cancer. "

The results of the study were published on the bioRxiv website for scientific research purposes, but have not been reviewed yet.

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