– Google invests $ 22 million in KaiO …


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "Google invests $ 22 million in the KaiOS operating system "[Google] invests $ 22 million in the KaiOS operating system"

Google has invested up to $ 22 million in the system. KaiOS operation, While Google controls the world of smart phones with the Android operating system, the KaiOS system is designed to run ordinary, non-smart phones, and the KaiOS operating system has begun to operate. last year as a multiplatform version of Firefox, operates several phones from several companies such as Nokia 8110 and some TCL phones and Micromax.

Google's investment may seem strange because of its dominance On Android and its efforts with Android Go, May if it is clear that his plan is a strategy. Sebastian Codeville, CEO of KaiOS, said, "Google has agreed with KaiOS to work together to bring Google Assistant, Google Maps, Google Search and YouTube to KaiOS users." Web-based, allowing developers to use apps designed in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS, which allows Google to run these applications on the KaiOS system and to use ordinary phones for Google services.

Now, according to, this is an awesome number for the traditional phone market that only

Google was working to reduce the space used by the Android system on phones so that the Android system compatible with devices with 1 GB of RAM, C is good for cheap smartphones.But Android still consumes 3GB of storage space, while the KaiOS like the Nokia 8110 Banana comes with 512MB of RAM and 4GB of memory internal

The Android system could eventually replace KaiOS if Google continues to work to make it more Or if the total cost of hardware reaches a low enough level that ordinary phones are not needed.

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