DOT Emarat – Advantages of castor oil at birth


After 40 weeks of gestation, many women start offering tips and tricks to stimulate the work of pregnant women, especially if there is no sign of early labor. Use of castor oil is one of the popular tips for starting work.

Castor oil
Castor oil is an oil derived from the seeds of a plant called Ricinus communis, native to India.The chemical composition of the oil of Castor oil is unusual because it consists mainly of Ricinolic acid, a fatty acid, and the high concentration has many different therapeutic properties.

He was used His mother is in the treatment of many different diseases around the world such as:
– the treatment of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation.
– the treatment of a variety of skin diseases.

Castor oil is used in many non-medical applications such as:
– Castor oil is used in food additives and flavoring
– The oil of castor oil is used in many non-medical applications such as:
– The oil of castor oil is added to cosmetics and shampoo, soap and lipstick
– Castor oil is used in the manufacture of certain products such as plastics, fibers, paints, and so on.

Castor oil:
Castor oil is known for its bad taste and its many side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and severe dehydration.The effective properties of the oil of Castor oil is an effective natural laxative.The small amounts of castor oil can cause intestinal cramps, (19659004). Castor oil reduces the absorption of fluids and electrolytes in the body. small intestine, which causes diarrhea and possibly contractions.It also promotes the release of prostaglandins, which leads to the enlargement of the cervix

A study published in Alternative Health and Medicine revealed that more than half of the women who consumed castor oil started working within 24 hours.

Another major study published about 10 years after The first study of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology examined the use of castor oil and decided that although no adverse effects It was not associated with castor oil on the mother or the child, it was not particularly useful. 19659004] Castor oil can cause erratic and painful cramps that can be repeated (19659003) – Castor oil is accelerated at birth:
– Castor oil speeds up the birth process,

– Helps start work because it stretches uterine tissues and stretches muscles through vaginal fat.

But pregnant women must decide before using castor oil to speed up birth process, consult your doctor first. Castor oil can be dangerous if d & # 39; other complications are present (N = f.fbq = function) (if f (f.fbq)) function (f, f, f, f)) {n.callMethod?
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