Dot Emarat – Preventive Tips to Avoid Alzheimer's Disease


Alzheimer's disease is one of the most prevalent diseases today, including the phenomenon of the spread of the disease among many celebrities, but the disease as a monster eats all the memories of the man up to a blank page does not even remember the closest people. 19659003] Alzheimer's Disease:
Recent data confirms that Alzheimer's disease threatens about 27 million people worldwide and that this disease causes memory loss, anxiety and anxiety. confusion: the region of the brain is the organ affected and has caused the death of many people. Due to its late discovery for a period of at least 10

This disease usually affects people over 65, and in some rare cases affects some people at an early age, and many studies have confirmed that no effective treatment for this disease, but doctors confirm that the discovery of Alzheimer's disease.

Precautions for Avoiding Alzheimer's Disease:
The prevention of Alzheimer's disease requires several factors that do not depend on Alzheimer's disease. On the food, but on the daily behaviors and the system of life to be better and without Alzheimer The most important of these factors is:

1. Attention to fish consumption:
Fish contains an omega-3 ingredient that reduces Alzheimer's disease and is available at appropriate levels in sardines and fresh salmon.

Stimulating brain activity with intelligence games regularly prevents Alzheimer's disease and is one of the major games that have already reached this remarkable activity of Sudoku, digital games and crosswords.

3. Regularity in fresh juice:
Especially for some people are given different juices throughout their lives in an appropriate manner The study confirmed that 76% of them do not have the same juice. had never been infected with the disease because they contained vitamins and antioxidants.

4. Eat a cup of coffee a day:
is one of the most important benefits of coffee.

5. Commitment to Yoga:
Yoga is one of the most relaxing and contemplative factors for the comfort of the brain region: it is therefore not exposed to 12 minutes of illness. Alzheimer's every day. To control blood pressure while adjusting mood and heart activity.

6 – Enjoying the sun:

7. Sleep Regularly:
Periods of regular sleep provide the body and mind with a complete rest that fights anxiety and many causes of Alzheimer's disease, which produces secretion from the body. # 39; hormones.

8- Lack of Excess Sugar Intake:
Some studies have indicated that Alzheimer's type diabetes has a strong relationship with the level of insulin available in the blood because it affects the # 39 Activity of the brain so that it is excessive Eating sweet foods is extremely dangerous and makes the individual vulnerable to premenstrual Alzheimer's disease.

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