DOT Emarat – The impact of stress on body temperature


  The Impact of Stress on Body Temperature

Many people suffer from stress and stress, which can be reflected on the health of the individual in general, and in a recent study [19659003] The Impact of Stress on Public Health:
People often feel the physiological changes associated with mental distress, which can be caused by psychological stress. Increased heart rate and body temperature, and doctors have emphasized this core of the disease in the name of stress, which causes heat, and is a response to the fundamental psychological stress observed in mammals, where this response warms the muscles of the body. wild animals during "fights or escapes", in the case of the face of his enemies, pressure (19659003) A recent study showing the relationship between stress and fever:
. In a recent study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers challenged The main brain neurotransmitter responsible for the development of stress responsible for body temperature, likely to play a role in chronic psychiatric fever, was performed in rats under the Supervision of Dr. Kazuhiro Nakamura of Kyoto University in Japan, The researchers subjected mice to severe psychological pressures similar to social pressure on humans, with the aim of causing psychological stress leading to a warmed body .

Study Results:
Researchers have discovered that stimulant neurons that connect brain regions of the hypothalamic hypothalamus and the "spinal cord", is the primary factor that stimulates the tissue brown fat on heat production and the increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and considering these symptoms, they are the same symptoms as stress children, and

The researchers found that the most of those who suffered from stress-related stress were teenagers and that their temperature could last up to a month or more. Dr. Nakamura noted that current studies revealed the basic mechanism of the resulting warm-up psychological stress, This mechanism can be of great importance to understand how the psychological fever develops, and the specific factors that influence it, and therefore the development of a mecanism. anism to treat it.