Drinks prohibited for people with gout


Drinks prohibited for patients with gout, joint disease and cause a defect in the proportion of uric acid in the body, which leads to the accumulation of this acid in the blood and various blood tissues. …

Drinks prohibited for patients with gout, joint disease and result in a defect in the proportion of uric acid in the body, which leads to the collection of this acid in the blood and various blood tissues. Patients suffering from gout can suffer from an increase in the production of uric acid in the body or a reduction in kidney ability to rid themselves of it.

There are several reasons for gout infection:

• are undergoing surgery or serious illness.

• Infection with some type of infection

• Certain drugs, such as diuretic drugs used in the treatment of hypertension or heart problems.

• Chemotherapy.

Droughts due to lack of water intake

• Drinks to be drunk

• Eating purine-rich foods, such as red meat and crustaceans.

Overuse of soft drinks

Gout is caused by many complications, including acute or chronic gout, kidney stones, (19659005) In this case, it is forbidden for patients suffering from gout to consume certain food and drink What drinks should be stopped in case of this disease?

Drinks prohibited for patients with gout

The main cause of gout is obesity The large amounts of uric acid produced by porins, it is necessary to stay away from all drinks that contain high levels of uric acid, including fresh water in general and soft drinks in particular, and all dark drinks, in addition to the exacerbation of … [19659005ItisalsoadvisablefordoctorstostayawayfromjuicesthataddsugarsofallkindsbecausesugarisafactorthathelpstoincreasetheproductionofuricacidinthebodyItisnormalforapatientsufferingfromgouttoavoidalcoholalcoholoranydrinkorfoodcontainingyeast

Physicians agree that drinking enough water is a powerful treatment for gout.

It is important to eat distilled water because most mineral waters contain minerals that can deposit on the joints, causing stiffness and additional damage to the joints.

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