Dubai hosts the first oncology forum in the Middle East


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Cancer rates are rising in the eastern Mediterranean region in general, including the United Arab Emirates, with the World Health Organization forecasting a doubling of the disease. here 20301. United Arab Emirates The National Cancer Registry, published on the website of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, has identified 3,816 new cases of cancer in 2014, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and cancer. thyroid cancer. Colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia were the leading cancers in men: breast cancer, thyroid cancer, and colorectal cancer were the leading cancers in women
. This week to highlight the importance of diagnosis in cancer and underlines the urgent need to treat this disease through the adoption of the latest developments in the diagnosis of tumors and conduct high quality diagnostic tests to improve management of the disease. Experts from the region and around the world attended the conference, sharing information, knowledge and research on best practices for treating the disease and examining different cases and studies of cancer patients. He said: "Cancer is one of the most intractable noncommunicable diseases and the task of tackling this serious illness is undoubtedly the responsibility of each and every one of us. National Vision 2021 emphasized the importance of preventive medicine and its role in the fight against the disease and set ambitious goals aimed at reducing the growing incidence of cancer and improving the health system's ability to Meeting the health challenges The Oncology Forum is one of the most effective steps to establish a solid foundation for optimal cancer care, the foundation for continued and successful cooperation to ensure better future and the happiness of the communities of the country and the region. "Harald Wolfe, general manager of Roche Diagnostics Middle East, who organized the forum, said the availability of high diagnostic test standards quality is more important than ever to diagnose and manage cancer.
Great faces sick and homeless In the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East in its entirety, we see the need to provide the latest developments in diagnosis, which is a fundamental step towards disease management. We are proud to launch the first online tumor diagnostic forum with the ambitious goal of monitoring effective ways to diagnose cancer and we look forward to the positive outcomes of the forum and its contribution to supporting specialists in this area. The search for a better healthy life for patients is what we are looking for at Roche Diagnostics. "
The forum's discussion sessions included vital indicators of tumors – tumor secretions – and their important role in the diagnosis of a cancerous tumor.Sessions also referred to other vital fluids which are removed in a non-surgical way, such as blood and serums, and are of course used to diagnose the disease.The participants emphasized the importance of strengthening clinical and laboratory practices to manage the diseases. health problems of lung cancer, colorectal and breast cancer patients through innovative laboratory analyzes throughout the clinical care chain and to examine the most pathological cases.
The United Arab Emirates aims to reduce cancer mortality by 18% by 2021, one of the key performance indicators and part of the objectives of the National Agenda for V ision 2021 of the UAE



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