Dum Imarat – The benefits of a breast for bone health


Cattle are one of the plants of the family of green beans, known worldwide, native to the Indian Peninsula, grown in many countries such as the Philippines, Spain, the United States. India, Vietnam, Pakistan, China, Thailand and Indonesia.

Sheep contains many useful nutrients such as fiber, mineral salts such as iron, magnesium, calcium and other minerals. , Phosphorus, potassium, copper and vitamina Such as C, B, E, as well as folic acid, carbohydrates, proteins, calories, and a low percentage of fat, in addition to containing antioxidants.

Advantages of the bone marrow:
It increases the absorption of calcium by food, because if the quantities needed by the body are reduced by eating, the body compensates for this deficiency. removing the need for calcium from the inside of the bones, which weakens the bones and makes them more fragile.

2. Phosphorus and calcium are the two main components of bone building crystals, and cattle contain a high proportion

3. Livestock effectively increases bone density and improves it because it contains proteins that play a key role in the formation of connective tissue of the bones, so it is necessary to enter the children's meals to help [19659002] 4. In addition to enhancing the effectiveness of the immune system and maintaining healthy bones, cattle have a great advantage in healing wounds and fractures.

5. Sheep contains a high percentage of magnesium which increases the strength of the nervous system, It also contains a very high percentage of potassium which contributes to the growth and muscle growth 9002] 6. This plant contains vitamin B6, the necessary vitamin to the production of growth hormones in the brain of children, which stimulates the formation of red blood cells and fights against anemia of cattle for its effectiveness in the regeneration of body cells.

7 – Dietary and dietary studies have shown that bovine pills stimulate brain function in children, help to enhance memory and strengthen bone stiffness, which is the cause of the disease. This explains the inclusion of the morning school meal for students in India on livestock as one of its main components.

8- Sheep contains sugar and fatty acids that provide the body's energy, so it is best to eat children, in addition to its vital role in the facilitation of the digestive system.

In addition, it helps to strengthen the nails and hair, reduces the appearance of signs of aging, and maintains the softness and loneliness of the skin, where the face blisters, rids the body of toxins and wins vitality, softness and freshness of the skin.

It contains vitamin K that helps prevent bleeding and helps in addition to its high efficiency in maintaining a strong memory, as it helps to transport oxygen to the brain, Muscle spasms prevent the effectiveness of potassium in relaxing muscles and reducing cramps.

11. Maintains Retina Retina Containing Vitamin C and Antioxidant Vitamin A

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