Dum Imarat – The type of tomato and strawberry is the one that determines whether t …


Tomatoes and strawberries are used in the preparation of many delicious recipes.The tomatoes are decorated on the one hand by the cuisines of many countries in the world, especially the countries of the Mediterranean and the Middle East . On the other hand, strawberries are widely used in confectionery and juices of all kinds.

But eating tomatoes and strawberries is not safe for health, especially for people with allergies. However, one study concluded that the results seemed somewhat different.

The study indicates that the type of tomatoes or strawberries is the cause of the allergies because the protein content causing allergies to this type of fruit varies according to the method of cultivation.

According to the study of the University of Munich, Germany, exposing these types of fruits to a high temperature, especially during cooking, destroys allergens in strawberries and tomatoes.

The site "derstandard" The results are based on the study She was interested in the analysis of high levels of allergenic proteins In twenty varieties of strawberries and 23 types of tomatoes, the site adds that the effect of biological and traditional conditions of strawberries and tomatoes was also examined

The same source noted that the types of strawberries and tomatoes are closely related to the type of these fruits. Which lose a lot of allergens when exposed to very high temperatures.

It is remarkable that many people suffer from allergies, including the "sensitivity of spring", which causes irritation of the nose, eyes and skin in this chapter of the year, due to Pollen and soil spread It is advisable for health experts to consult a doctor and to follow some preventive measures, such as avoiding parks and parks as much as possible during this period of time. year.

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