Eat cocoa daily It keeps your heart healthy (study)


News Now Dubai – United Arab Emirates (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)

Eating cocoa, which contains naturally occurring organic compounds, can keep the heart healthy and reduce blood pressure, atherosclerosis and cholesterol, according to the latest international study.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Surrey in collaboration with the Harvard School of Medicine and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the United States. His findings were published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Cocoa contains two biologically active natural compounds, flavanol and brucianin, the researchers said.

To study the effectiveness of cocoa on heart health, the team conducted two studies, the first on 45 healthy adult men, and divided them into 3 groups taking different amounts of flavanol and brucianin so to determine their respective effects on cardiovascular health.

The first group studied the cocoa extract containing 130 milligrams of flavanol, 560 milligrams of brucianin a day, the second group containing the cocoa extract containing only 20 milligrams of flavanol and 540 milligrams of brucian. Thirdly, I took fake capsules that did not contain cocoa compounds.

The team also conducted another five-year study, involving approximately 21,000 men and women across the United States.

The researchers found that people taking cocoa extract daily at different concentrations improved their vascular function, blood pressure, atherosclerosis and blood cholesterol levels after one month of daily cocoa consumption, compared with to the placebo group.

The team noted that the compounds "flavanol" and "brucianine" are also present in apples, grapes and berries.

"The benefits of flavanol and brucianin include an improvement in the ability of blood vessels to stretch, as well as an improvement in blood pressure and long-term arteriosclerosis," said Dr. Christian Hays, Research Associate at the British University of Surrey.

"As you get older, blood pressure, cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis increase, resulting in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death," the study revealed. However, the study found that eating foods rich in flavanol and brucianin could help people maintain themselves in good health. Heart.

A previous study had revealed that cocoa was a sure way to prevent Alzheimer's disease because it prevented the accumulation of harmful proteins that could cause brain damage because it contained antioxidant polyphenols.

The cocoa beans are extracted from the cocoa tree, then dried and roasted before being used in the manufacture of different chocolates. The cocoa granules are characterized by a bitter taste but can be mixed with honey or used in the manufacture of various products. bakery.

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