Effective Tips for Getting Rid of Flatulence


Effective tips for getting rid of flatulence, which is one of the most common problems in women, and the most disturbing cases that leave a negative impact and feel discomfort and lightheadedness. discomfort of the person

. Bulimia is the bad habit of eating that negatively affects digestion and causes bloating. Fortunately, there are many effective tips and safe ways to get rid of flatulence that helps treat bloating as quickly as possible and relieve gas in the stomach, to take advantage of the summer season and spend eating such legumes. beans, beans and cowpeas lead to increased gas and flatulence.

Healthy Eating Legumes

However, simple methods of cooking beans prevent bloating, soaking the beans with water and baking soda for an entire night, and then adding some caraway, fennel, thyme or rosemary while cooking to prevent the gas from taking a bowl of beans.

Reduced Salt and Sodium Consumption

Sodium causes water retention and affects the ability of the kidneys to rid the body of liquids, resulting in swelling that forces you to move away. (19659004) Drinking Water

Drinking water helps to expel harmful toxins and excess salts and contributes significantly to the elimination of irritating gases and flatulence.


Consumption of soluble fiber is one of the safest ways to

Avoid dairy products

Dairy products such as milk and cheese, butter can cause gastrointestinal problems and symptoms of gastric ulcers. Swelling and gas. Replace these products with coconut, almonds, soy or rice milk.

Try, for example, to shorten your meal time and eat between 11am and 7pm to monitor your body's interactions and feelings.

Avoid hot foods

Hot foods cause gas and digestive problems.

Sports and Yoga

Exercise, yoga, or any physical activity and exercise help the stomach and intestines to get rid of the gases that accumulate there,

Relieving tension

Tension, emotion, anxiety psychological conditions that cause bloating. Treat the tension by taking a deep breath slowly and doing daily recreational activities to relax.

Eat slowly

Eat food slowly with good chewing speed and ease food digestion.

Stay away from fried foods and soft drinks

Soft drinks and their by-products cause flatulence, as well as fats saturated with fat And that the digestive system has a lot of trouble dismounting fat.

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