Electronic cigarettes cause cancer of the mouth


Scientists at the International Association of Dentists of Virginia state that e-cigarettes increase the risk of cancer of the oral cavity.

Benjamin Xavi, of the University of California at San Diego, states, "The results of our analyzes show that nicotine consumption is getting equal or even higher carcinogenic substances, which can increase the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, like conventional smokers.

Xavi and his science team discovered a new negative characteristic of electronic cigarettes: taking blood and urine samples from about 1,500 smokers and analyzing the status of smokers in Electronic cigarettes was not better than that of traditional cigarette smokers: the proportion of carcinogens was narrow in all samples. For example, the proportion of carcinogenic nitrosonurnicin is close to the samples, which is a cause of cancer of the esophagus and oral cavity.

The results confirm that e-cigarettes do not protect the smoker against cancer as rumors in advertisements contribute to its development. (d, s, id) {
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