Energy drinks cause narrowing of arteries in youth


Cairo: Dr. Hani Ramzi Awad

Despite the many warnings about energy drinks, most teens and kids still accept them in large quantities. The previous recommendations highlighted the need to reduce the quantities harvested, but the latest study on the effect indicated that simply taking a package could be harmful to blood vessels in addition to the known damage because it could cause heart disease, nerves and stomach and cause acidity.
It is known that, depending on the name of the drink, teens agree to eat before exercise, especially those who exercise regularly. Children and adolescents under the age of 18 should be advised not to consume energy drinks, which are an additional burden on the heart, and should not be consumed by pregnant women, nursing mothers, caffeine or who they take drugs containing caffeine.

Energy drinks
The problem is that energy drinks reduce the diameter of vasoconstriction by narrowing the arteries. As is known, exercise requires maximum blood flow in the blood vessels to deliver oxygen to muscles and function, with energy drinks acting as a barrier against oxygen and blood to the muscles, unlike to what teenagers think.
This causes heart muscle stress because the heart is supposed to pump larger amounts of oxygen-laden blood whose circulation is difficult because of the resistance resulting from the small diameter of the artery, which can cause high blood pressure, as well as the fact that the heart muscle does not suffer it's enough oxygen, which explains the incidence of cardiac arrest after drinking from the & & & après après après après après après après après après,,,,,,,. energy and exercise directly, which is very serious, even if rare.
The results will be discussed at the meeting of the American Heart Association this week in Chicago. The researchers conducted the experiment on 44 medical students, all physically fit and healthy, as well as on the smoker's absence, older or younger in the early 1920s. studied the effect of 700 milliliters of energy drinks (equivalent to two layers) on endothelial cells. The functions of these cells were examined before drinking the energy drink and after eating directly, and then 90 minutes later, when the artery diameter and the degree of wide of about 5.1% at early experience and after consuming the second drink after an hour and a half, the degree of artery enlargement had fallen to 2.8%.

Tighten the arteries
The researchers were particularly interested in blood flow in the artery as a function of diameter and using TV radiation, vascular efficiency was measured in general (a similar procedure to Doppler examination on the arteries ) and showed that after only 90 minutes, the diameter of the artery decreased significantly. The researchers pointed out that the lining of the arteries gave an image and gave an idea of ​​the state of the heart in general and the likelihood of an illness or not. They thought that the negative effect on the artery diameter and on the narrowness was the result of substances present in the energy drink, such as caffeine, sugars, ginseng, vitamin B and its derivatives, as well as taurine, source of energy and extract of bull semen, The commercial etiquette is made for certain beverages and some other materials.
Although most of these substances are natural and have many advantages, they naturally have no side effects or the amount of very large sugars that they contain. The American Heart Association has stated that polysaccharides do not provide any nutritional value and therefore, they bring a very large amount of calories. Naturally, the manufacturers of these drinks say they are healthy and safe. For example, caffeine has beneficial health effects at doses not exceeding 400 milligrams per day for adults, but some energy drinks contain about 1,000 milligrams per pack. In general, caffeine is a substance that has long been a major medical argument and it is advisable to minimize its use.
The researchers advised adolescents to limit the consumption of these drinks and rely on other sources of energy, such as simple exercises and consuming fruits and vegetables to get vitamins. It is estimated that one-third of American teens aged 12 to 17 regularly drink these drinks.
The various studies on these drinks should also be the subject of a health awareness and the dissemination of adequate medical information on the Internet for each component of the energy drink. Gymnasiums should also be supervised by specialists and subject to medical supervision. Medical malpractice is exchanged as evidence that leads to excellence in exercise, regardless of medical risk.

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