Experts fear a resurgence of AIDS


Amsterdam – Experts in Amsterdam warned Sunday that the fight against AIDS requires billions of dollars, otherwise the disease could spread again around the world.

Mark DeBaulle, US Researcher at the International AIDS Conference "We will have a problem if we do not get more money."

DePaul was President of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.

He explained that the worst possibility is a combination of two elements: lack of funding and population in the countries most affected by the disease, particularly in Africa.

"These two factors together could lead to a major crisis," he warned, warning of the loss of control over the spread of the disease.

The world now has 36.9 million people living with the HIV virus,

For the first time, there has been a decline in the number of deaths and deaths in 2016.

But the United Nations say the fight against the disease costs seven billion dollars a year, otherwise the disease could turn to a global health crisis in 2030.

Experts are particularly concerned about the decline in US contributions In this regard, the United States have reduced their budgets in the field of scientific research since the arrival of Donald Trump at the White House. (AFP)

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