Experts warn .. Energy drinks increase the risk of heart disease in less than 90 minutes


Experts cautioned against energy drinks because they found that a single drink increases the risk of heart disease in just 90 minutes, narrows the person's blood vessels, limits blood flow and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Researchers at the University of Texas conducted a study of 44 non-smoking students at McGovern College, all aged between 20 and 20 years, and classified as being in good health.

The researchers wanted to test the endothelium, a layer of cells covering the surface of blood vessels, the dysfunction of which is a sign of a heart attack because the arteries can not expand completely.

The team tested the participants' endothelial function before drinking the 24-ounce energy drink and then the endothelial function again after 90 minutes of drinking, which revealed that the blood vessels were significantly less effective.

"With the growing popularity of energy drinks, it's important to study the effects of these drinks on people who drink them often," said Dr. John Higgins, a professor at the University of Texas.

Dr. Higgins' team believes that the combination of the ingredients in the energy drink damages the blood vessels of the drinkers. It summarizes caffeine, taurine, sugar and other herbal ingredients that damage the layer of arteries and veins.

Energy drinks typically contain 80 mg of caffeine per 100 ml, or about three cans of cola or instant coffee, the Food Standards Agency announced.

Most energy drinks contain a lot of sugar. One serving contains 12 ounces of Red Bull and 37 grams of sugar, or more than nine teaspoons.

Research has shown that high blood sugar can cause greater contraction of blood vessels, reducing the amount of blood reaching vital organs.

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