Facebook and Instagram test the "nuisance mode" feature


A new report revealed that Facebook and InStagram are currently testing the Do Not Disturb feature, which means users will soon have more control over when to receive notifications. Notifications from applications for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 8 hours or a day, or until their manual restart.

  Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1 "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/3/29036-Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1.jpg "style =" height: 294px; </p>
<p dir= According to the US Techcrunch website, a number of users have noticed this feature on their version of the Facebook application, where a new button has appeared that allows them to enable the feature for a particular time lapse Or even, and Facebook users will be able to turn off the sound and vibration with ease, a feature similar to that announced by Google and Apple, providing operating systems that will have the option of "do not disturb" users. Not-Disturb "src =" https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/3/19775-Facebook-Do-Not-Disturb.jpg "style =" height: 332px; width: 550px; In May, the director of INSTEGAM revealed that they were working on usage statistics, saying that they were adding tools to help users know the time they were in. pass on Instagram, as announced InStagram also provides the "You are all taken" feature, which helps users track all posts, where they will see a message that the user has read all the previous posts.

  Instagram -Do-Not Disturb

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