Facebook and Instagram test the "nuisance mode" feature


  Facebook and Ingestram test
FaceBook and Instagram test the "Do not disturb" feature

The Arab News – Facebook and Instagram test the "Do not disturb" feature. The Arab citizen in the first place and the last to know the truth, and this must be Tanweh this is what we are also seeking as part of the policy that runs on our website Arab News News, "Facebook and Instagram are testing the "Advantage of" non-disturbance "The spirit of the Arab continent is the first to seek to know the credibility of the news that characterize Us, on the other hand, are eager to make known the truth on the Arab continent, we present today the most important news, found under the heading "Facebook and Instagram test the characteristic of" nuisance mode. "

Tuesday, July 3, 2018 5:25 pm – A new report revealed that Facebook and Instagram are testing Do Not Disturb feature, which means that users will soon have a lot of control over when to receive notifications, The Do Not Disturb feature for users The service disables application notifications for 30 minutes, an hour or two hours and eight hours or a day or until they are operated by hand.

  Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1 "src =" https://www.alarab-news.com/content/uploads/2018/07/e0fe1ad2be.jpg "class =" c5 "title =" Dc06XN0VQAARFO6-1 "/> [19659006SelonTechcrunchcertainnumbered#39;utilisateursontremarquécettefonctionnalitésurleurapplicationFacebookoùunnouveauboutonapparaîtleurpermettantd&#39;activeroumêmededésactiverlafonctionpourunlapsdetempsdonnéetlesutilisateursdeFacebookserontenmesured&#39;éteindrelesonetlesvibrationsUnefonctionnalitésimilaireàcelledeGoogleetAppleenfournissantdessystèmesd&#39;exploitationquiaurontl&#39;optiondenepasdérangerlesutilisateurs</p>
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Predict In May, the director & # 39; Instagram revealed that & # 39; they were working on usage statistics, telling them that they were adding tools to help users know the time they spent on Instagram.InStagram also showed the feature "You've all caught it" that helps users to follow Where they will receive a message stating that the user has read all previous publications.


Facebook and Instagram test the "Do not disturb" feature, make sure to transmit the information mentioned above in a transparent way, because we always seek to clarify and discover the truth and nothing else. Your opinions in the comments above are always important first and last, "Facebook and Instagram test the functionality of" non-disruption "", and do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our Arab News, which are our pages on Facebook And Twitter Google Plus, impress and follow them to keep you abreast of new political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty and the world of Eve and the news of variety and entertainment. Facebook and Instagram test the functionality of "non-disruption."

Facebook and InStagram test the "nuisance mode" feature – Facebook and Instagram test the "nuisance mode" feature

Source: Seventh Day