Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger allows users to sync their accounts on Instagram


  Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger allows users to sync their accounts on Instagram
Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger allows users to sync their accounts on Instagram

Facebook tests a new feature to encourage Messenger users to use Instagram , Their accounts on social networks.

Facebook Messenger allows you to add your Instagram account, but there is no option to sync it for the moment. The new feature should replace the basic Instagram account option, which can be found in the profile, in the list of people, with synchronization contacts and blocked people options.

Once you sync your Instagram account with Facebook Messenger, it gives access to your Instagram user name and account for your friends on Messenger.

The new feature may already be available to a limited number of users with Messenger and Instagram accounts, indicating that Facebook is actively testing the sync option to see how it works.

The Vito Gate

Source: The Nile

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