Facebook uses top Google engineers to design its own chips


  Facebook uses the best engineers from Google to design its own chips
Facebook uses the best Google architects to design its own chips

Facebook has hired one of the Google's best developers, Shahriar Rabii to develop the social network Facebook. According to a report from the Bloomberg chip earlier this year, when they started building a team, they could design dedicated chipsets to run the server and consumer devices.

This is a step in the mainstream with other tech giants, many of whom bring chip designs instead of relying on the major Intel and Qualcomm providers. Apple has created its own custom processors for devices that have been running for nearly a decade and IOS has designed chips for individual artificial intelligence and other tasks in the coming years. <img alt = "19659006] Earlier this year, Amazon announced that it had launched a new initiative to design its own chips, specifically to help smart energy.

Google produces its own chips for smart phones from pixels that were rented to Facebook.On the other hand, he led the team that he developed in his updated role to develop smartphones with the Facebook tag [19659007] Source: Professional