Five benefits for the olive do not miss .. Helps prevent diseases


  Five benefits of olives are not lacking .. Helps prevent diseases
Five benefits of olives are not lacking .. Helps prevent diseases

The olive contains nutrients such as iron, calcium , fiber, copper and vitamin K and other nutrients, which provide the body with many health benefits, which we recognize in the following lines, according to the site "organicfacts."

Cancer Prevention

Olive On antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and fight harmful bacteria, and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells

Preserving Heart Health

Olive Contains Fatty Acids monounsaturates called oleic acid, which help prevent heart disease such as atherosclerosis and stroke . [196900010] Olive oil helps reduce the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and other skin conditions and can be used as a skin cleanser. Efficient, so as to contain copper, iron, fiber and vitamin F [194590] 12] in addition to other nutrients, which keeps the skin smooth and healthy .


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