For the first time, an artificial intelligence robot reaches the space


CIMON arrived at the International Space Station as the first floating artificial intelligence robot designed to help astronauts scientifically, logistically and emotionally.
SpaceX announced yesterday the launch of the robot to help the six astronauts living on the International Space Station. (19459008) The robot was launched from the US state of Florida (southeast) by a Falcon 9 rocket with a cargo of food and supplies (3 tons) to the crew aboard the International Space Station. "CIMON" response to voice commands, in addition to searching the rules of Albia Information on the International Space Station. He can also evaluate and interact with the mood of his human "companions".
The size of volleyball is similar to that of volleyball and weighs up to 5 kg and was built by the European airline Airbus with the technological support of IBM. "The goal is to conduct a pilot study to provide preliminary information on the effects of support to the artificial intelligence of the crew, in terms of efficiency and acceptability, in the long-term tasks, "said the US space agency. Space.
Airbus official Manfred Gaumann also compared Rupp (19459008) The robot was designed to speak English only during his first stay at the International Space Station, but astronauts have announced that they would use it in other languages ​​to be able to understand other astronauts.
For any astronaut calling his name, using his fourteen indoor fans.
CIMON should return to Earth in December (Anatolia)

For the first time the arrival of the robot of artificial intelligence in space

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