For the first time in Britain … complex operation for a fetus in her mother's womb


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – During a one-of-a-kind surgical operation, British doctors operated two fetuses into their mother's womb weeks before their first breath.

Doctors at University College Hospital in London operated this summer to repair the spine of two children while they were still in their mother's womb.

Both children have suffered from a "disease" that appeared during pregnancy, which does not fit properly with the bones of the spine, creating a space in which the spinal cord is not protected, which can cause brain leakage and present brain development of children at risk.

According to Sky News, these surgeries are usually treated after childbirth, but research has shown that an earlier repair of the baby's spine can stop the loss of the "spinal cord", called the cephalo fluid -roussidien, resulting in better health and sustainable movements.

In Britain, pregnant women had already been forced to travel to the United States, Belgium or Switzerland for the procedure, which takes about 90 minutes and also carries a risk of premature birth.

Every year, more than 200 children are born with this disease in Britain and prenatal surgery comes after a large US trial has shown a 50% reduction in the need for brain transplants to drain fluids, a procedure with major complications and serious side effects. .

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