Galaxy S-10 leaks reveal unprecedented benefits


Technological leaks have revealed that Samsung is consolidating unprecedented benefits into its new Galaxy S10. According to the Forbes website, Samsung is developing a seamless phone. Surprisingly, the screen will completely cover the front, thus blocking the sensor footprint, the front camera lens and the speaker.

The South Korean company is currently developing the Galaxy S10 on four advanced technologies known as FoD, HoD, SoD and UPS: the first function, the abbreviation of fingerprints on the screen, the ultrasonic impulses protect the 39, fingerprint of the user identification, sniffer protection.

In the second feature, "touch screen", the HAPTEC technology allows the user to touch the screen, to feel like he was pressing on real buttons. Thanks to the technology "SoD" or "sound on the screen", the phone will not rely on the amplifier, because the screen will become a source of sound in an extended area.

The UPS technology or the control panel sensors allow you to place the camera lens and face recognition function on the screen. In this case, a conventional lens will no longer need to be placed at the top of the device, but the user will be able to take it. Two features are currently available in the digital market, with audio and fingerprint technology on the screen, but the transfer of the camera has never taken place before.

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