Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10: specifications, specifications and prices


Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10: Specification, Specifications and Pricing

  Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10: Specification, Features and Price

Users expect the next generation of Samsung Galaxy S phones that should call Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10, reports that Samsung will unveil it in January 2019, after the news of the Galaxy Note 9 make slight improvements over the previous version.

What are the most important specifications and features of the Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10 expected? When is it available?

The Galaxy S10 will be available in three versions

Samsung plans to provide three versions of its new Galaxy S10 instead of two versions, as with the Galaxy S7 the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S9, A curved screen and curved screen, and a larger 6.3-inch screen with the Galaxy S10 Plus.

Galaxy S10 will finally bring a built-in fingerprint sensor to the screen

Users were waiting for Samsung to provide the built-in fingerprint sensor function in the screen Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus but the South Korean company While other companies such as Vivo and Huawei present some of their phones, the Galaxy S10 seems to be the first Samsung phone to support this feature according to a site report The Bell [19659009] South Korean journalist.

According to the latest leaks, both versions of the Galaxy S10 will carry a fingerprint sensor on the side of the phone, while the version carries a built-in fingerprint sensor on the screen.

Galaxy S10 will support the functionality of the fingerprint

Samsung abandons the lock feature of the Galaxy S-10 because the Bell report indicates that the phone will have a similar feature to the trademark provided by Apple on his iPhone X according to the front camera and a number of sensors that can scan the face in 3D.

The Galaxy S10 Plus will carry three rear cameras

The largest version of the Galaxy S10 or Galaxy S10 Plus will have three rear cameras, including a wide angle camera according to a report from 39, ET News,

Huawei P20 pro The current version of the Galaxy S9 Plus has two rear cameras, including a variable slot camera

Best Low-light Photography

Samsung offers an experience unique imaging in its series of smartphones, or Galaxy Note, and experience improves with each new generation of these phones, but the Galaxy S10 should provide outstanding performance in photography p The company South Korean has released a new imaging technology called Isocell Plus on its official blog, which aims to capture more light and increase the camera's sensitivity to light and accuracy colors to provide more accurate and clear images under difficult lighting conditions, and Samsung is expected to provide its next Galaxy S-10 with a sensor with a resolution of up to 20 megapixels.

Galaxy S10 with lower edges

Leaks indicate that the Galaxy S10 The new design will carry a screen occupying most of the front of the phone (about 93% of the M pilgrimage), a design provided by Samsung in Galaxy S8 and improved in the S9, but with significant improvements include lower edges with the replacement of the headset with different technology depends on the screen itself and the structure of the handset (19659024) Galaxy S10 will support fifth generation networks

Many reports suggest that smart phone manufacturers will offer phones that support networks 5G at the beginning of the year next 2019, according to some leaks should be the Galaxy S 10 of the first phones that support a Technology that will enhance the user experience in many technical fields.

Powerful CPU and Better Screen

Like any new version of the Samsung Galaxy, the Galaxy S10 will offer the user better performance through a more powerful processor, and will offer a better OLED screen.

Availability of the Galaxy S10 Galaxy S10

The Galaxy S10 is expected to be officially available in February 2019, but some reports indicate the release of Samsung from the phone in January 2019.

Galaxy S10

According to some reports and leaks , the price of the Galaxy S10 will be between $ 730 and $ 850.

Do not miss:

Samsung officially announces the date of the Galaxy Note 9

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