Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of stomach cancer


News: Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of stomach cancer, we always want to provide our readers with special information content through our news site News News website , a news site created in 2016 to provide comprehensive content On the Arab and international arena many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new in the world. political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site. [La gastro-entérite est la principale cause de cancer de l'estomac.]

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 19:05 News News The gastric germ is one of the leading risk factors for gastrointestinal ulcers. It is responsible for most causes of gastrointestinal ulcers In 1994, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified H. pylori as a carcinogen or causative agent of stomach cancer in the United States. # 39; man.

Gastrointestinal Bacteria
Gastrointestinal Bacteria Spread Through Contaminated Food and Water Through Direct Skin Contact Bacteria are first infested in childhood because infection is more likely in children living in poverty. sanitary sewer.

Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, causing the deaths of nearly 738,000 people in 2008 and stomach cancer in the United States and in others Western countries. In general, the incidence of stomach cancer decreases with time.

Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of cancer of the stomach
Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of stomach cancer and chronic gastritis, a diet that contains a large amount of stomach cancer. Smoked and poorly preserved foods, low fructose diets, smoking, gastric bypass, family history of stomach cancer and gastric ulcers present an increased risk of developing cancer of the stomach. non-cardiac stomach.

Evidence that the gastrointestinal stomach causes cancer of the non-cardiac stomach
Epidemiological studies have shown that people with gastric ulcers have an increased risk of developing glands gastrointestinal. As part of a meta-study, the researchers found that people with gastric ulcers were eight times more likely to develop cancer of the non-cardiac stomach.

The gastrointestinal infection reduces the risk of some other cancers, where epidemiological evidence suggests that gastrointestinal infection may be associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the gland and the 39; esophagus.

Is a bacterium associated with other types of cancer?
If the gastric germ associated with the risk of other cancers remains unclear, some studies have found a possible link between gastric and pancreatic cancer, but the evidence is mixed, Studies that investigate the possibility of bacteria for the factor risk of colorectal cancer or lung cancer, any strong evidence of the association of gastric germ with the risk of any other type of cancer.

Can Gastrointestinal Therapy Help Reduce Rates of Gastric Cancer?
Short-term antibiotic therapy to eliminate H. pylori reduces gastric cancer, according to a long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial conducted in Shandong, China – a region known for very high rates of stomach cancer – for nearly 15 years after treatment, the incidence of stomach cancer has been reduced by about 40%. Other small trials, which examine the effects of the stomach microbial therapy on cancer of the stomach DONC, observed a similar decrease, this shows that the treatment of gastric bacteria reduces the incidence of stomach cancer rate. Most people who should test for the germ of the stomach

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people with gastric ulcer or duodenal activity, or people Having a documented history of ulcers, should be tested if they are infected, they should be treated immediately. Doctors also recommend testing gastroenteritis after early eradication of gastric cancer and gastric malignant lymphoma. The germ of the stomach is the leading cause of stomach cancer. Do not forget to follow us on social networking pages. [La gastro-entérite est la principale cause de cancer de l'estomac]

News: Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of infection Gastric ulcer is the leading cause of cancer of the stomach

Source: Mersal

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