Google begins to display thumbnails in the YouTube app for Android full screen display – UAE News


A few days ago, we released a report stating that Google is testing the thumbnail display of YouTube video streams in full-screen mode, making it larger and clearer and better disclosing video content.

For the thumbnail to appear between the two edges of the screen, you will find the name of the video, the name of the published channel, the number of views, and the date of publication.

This change does not seem significant but useful to better visualize video content. Thumbnails are playable automatically. No sound in the main screen

The YouTube application for Android system in the five basic classifications, and include these tabs: Home, which includes the recommended videos on the basis of viewing and registration of subscriptions . The second tab is the current videos in the country where you live, the third tab is subscriptions, there is the inbox tab that includes notifications and messages, and finally the tab [19659005]. APK is independent from here.


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