Google introduces a new Chrome update on computers. Discover its advantages


  Google presents the new Chrome update on computers [En savoir plus]
Google introduces the new Chrome update on PC. Discover its features

At the beginning, we must learn to respect our dear visitors, where the Arab citizen seeks in the first place and the last to know the truth, and it is imperative that this is what we are also seeking in the framework of the policy conducted on our website Arab News News. New on Chrome on computers .. know its benefits, "who is infected The purpose of the base is to respect the spirit of the Arab continent, which seeks to know the credibility of the information that it on our part, and on our part, our willingness to transmit the truth to the Arab continent.We release today a new update of Chrome on computers. "The new design is based on a new version of the desktop browser from Google, which is intended for canary chrome. Google hardware to make it look like the design of the application available on Android, so N another design for the Gmail application on your desktop.

According to the Indian GMS website, the new interface of the application includes a new tab bar, a new multi-purpose box and a new button for the profile button. Which come in parallel squares.

Here is the tab bar, the new omnibus, which contains rounded corners, as well as a personal button, which places the user name in the upper left corner of the phone. Omnibox and displays the profile picture of the user.

Google introduces a new Chrome update on computers. Discover its advantages, know that we have transferred the aforementioned information in a transparent way, where we always try to clarify and discover the truth and not to confuse your opinions. The comments above, where your opinions always concern us first and last place, "Google presents a new update of Chrome on computers .. Know its benefits" and do not forget to follow us on the pages from our Arab News site. Twitter and Google Plus, and impress it and follow it to join you The latest news, political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty, and the world of Eve and the news of variety and entertainment to reach you immediately after the first occurrence, Google introduces a new Chrome update on computers. (19659012)

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