Google will provide its voice assistant with add-ons for multiple commands at the same time.


Google will provide its voice assistant with add-ons for multiple commands at the same time.

According to TechCrunch, Google provides its voice assistant with additional capacity to ease user controls and thus focus on a range of orders within a single voice command, as well as on voice service enhancements. and telephony, as well as Home Voice Assistant.

Talking about the wizard running multiple queries within a single voice command, which allows the user to create his own voice command, will implicitly include a number of events related to the Automatically controlled help, and clarify it. "Thus, the other parts of the smart home are connected to BuckleHome, which will turn off the light and the TV, as well as the door locks and other settings previously assigned by the user to ask him to go to sleep, for example.

With regard to the update of the broadcasting services, the user can send a voice message to his assistant outside the house or, in other words, thanks to the service. Google help on his phone. It will therefore answer the recipient of the voicemail message at home and the sender will also receive a voice message with a verbal description. The introductory phrase "Hey Google, broadcast" will receive a response similar to "Hey Google, answer" at the beginning and answer normally.

In addition, Google Assistant includes a number of voice commands that enable the silent mode of all home phones connected to the home network through Gmail accounts, as well as control the speed of playback and playback, whether to speed up or slow down listening services through home help.

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