Hair loss .. An annoying lesion has solutions


Director: Randa Girgis

Most people suffer from hair loss, whether for genetic, psychological or pathological reasons such as autoimmune disorders, diabetes, stress, lack of sleep or lack of vitamins and minerals needed for # 39; s body. This fall is a negative effect causing some shame, especially on the appearance. And these people are looking for solutions to solve this problem and boost morale, and that's what experts and experts will tell us in the next lines.
"Each hair falls at the end of its life cycle, which lasts about 6 years, with 50 to 70 hairs a day, a figure that barely makes a difference in adult hair," says Dr. Shirin Abu al-Mati, specialist of the skin. If there are more than 100,000 hairs, if the rate of hair loss is greater than the growth rate, the cause must be investigated. Many factors contribute to this, including tension, hormonal and post-pregnancy changes, metabolic disorders, anemia, zinc deficiency, physical infections, infections in general, collagen diseases and congenital malformations, therefore, track the incidence of hair loss with the onset of any problem, and use a dermatologist to assess, diagnose, and perform the appropriate tests to determine the type of hair loss, by conducting a theory test, using a hair sample and an examination of the follicles.

Rainfall treatment

Dr. The choice of the appropriate treatment for hair loss depends on the diagnosis and examinations and the reason that motivated it. In addition, with the tremendous advances made in all areas of medicine, including dermatology, many advanced treatment methods yield positive results for all types of hair loss and have proven to be a great success. All are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and the combination of two or more of these treatments would yield better results, including:
– Mesotherapy: technique of injecting tiny amounts of drugs, vitamins and minerals into the scalp to help it regenerate and repair itself, biotin, folic acid, vitamin B and zinc, stimulating the circulation blood and nourishing the hair follicles. These follicles are thicker, stronger and healthier, and hair loss decreases and breaks.
(PRP) or platelet-rich plasma, a tonic treatment that utilizes the healing and regeneration capabilities of blood. Platelets, rich in growth factors, are injected into the targeted areas of the scalp to activate them and accelerate cell regeneration, and it appears thicker and softer. There is also a high concentration PRP treatment, which means that It contains more blood platelets.
– Carboxy, which activates the hair follicles by bringing more oxygen, improves blood circulation and increases the supply of food necessary for the hair, where the hair follicles are renewed, which promotes the growth of the hair.
– Activation of hair cells, which activate the growth of healthy hair follicles with stem cytokine molecules, and of these molecules containing inactive stem cells in hair follicles in order to activate them. The system also includes the transmission of biological signals , isoflavones from more than 20 plant sources, and the use of micro-needles to ensure the absorption Scalp very effective.
1 – needleless injections, a new method for injecting vitamins mizo into the scalp, and do not cause any inconvenience to this treatment, which consists of a device that sends hot flashes at specific doses.

Protection tips

Recommends d. Sheren has some instructions to avoid hair loss before resorting to treatments, by eating foods rich in vitamins B, C and iron to stimulate healthy hair growth, massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation, once per week to avoid dehydration, can be seen You should also pay attention to the hot air fans that do not provide generous hair services, so it is advisable to relax before resorting to the hair dryer, it is best to wait a few hours before combing wet hair.
"Women who wear a headscarf outside the home, no vitamin D, have enough hair, and although the human body is designed to produce enough vitamin to cover its needs, the reality is different, as most Between us Sufficient sun needed to install this vitamin, so it is advisable to find the time and place for at least 30 minutes a week at least to expose the hair to the sun.


Dr. Razan Qadri, dermatologist, pointed out that the incidence of dandruff can be a major cause of weakness and loss in large amounts, that is why we recommend descaling the scalp for help shampoos, a treatment that removes dead residues that block hair follicles and prevent normal growth. At the same time, it eliminates dihydrotestosterone, the main hormone responsible for hair loss and its small size. In this case, the treatments are used by the water-repellent sprays after washing the hair, as well as the hair repair products containing a mixture of It also helps to strengthen the hair from the inside. There are devices based energy and hair loss treatments, such as the LLLT, which stimulate the process of representation. Foods and proteins, as well as some devices used at home to treat hair cortex, such as laser combs and the like, should be used with caution for 20 minutes twice a week for effective results. Many new studies demonstrate the benefits of PRP-rich platelets, The use of Botox in the scalp to cope with excessive scalp sweating is also an important new technology: statistics indicate that it gives good results and 50% hair growth after Botox injections. In severe cases of hair loss, stem cell therapy derived from the patient's fat is best and its results last a long time.

The problem of baldness

Hair baldness, which results in baldness, is of particular concern to men because it is considered genetically known as Androgenic Alopecia (AGA), which results in the effects of testosterone, a male hormone, which controls the future of the root. The number of receptors on the hair roots is genetically determined and the family history has a major and fundamental impact on a person's exposure to baldness at any stage of his life, such as that pressures on lifestyle, environmental influences and deficiencies of adequate nutrition. Systemic diseases and Medications and shocks.

Hair Transplant

According to Dr. The people who suffer only hair loss, without any sign of baldness, can start with drugs that help to alter the effects of the hormone, in addition to topical products and many non-prescription products it should pay attention to dietary deficiencies, Treatment of the problem of baldness strongly depends on the affected area, which can be treated medically and surgically, hair transplantation being the most used surgical technique to treat hair loss. From the depilation of the back of the scalp, which contains permanent hair, up to the bald area of ​​the front or crown, especially since we can there use at any age, from 18 to 80 years, and that the choice of the patient according to several criteria can be determined only by the surgeon of the hair transplant This is one of the surest surgeries, if it is performed properly in skilled hands, avoiding side effects such as pain, loss of electric shock, feeling weak, itching and transient redness, scarring in the donor region, permanent result and rarely. Give the antibiotics appropriately, whether through a Tin technician FUT
And FUE, the whole procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as follows:
– The FUT technique removes the band of skin from the back of the scalp and dissects each hair from the band, and then implants it in the receiving area. The space of the bar closes with the stitches, leaving a very thin linear scar to grow hair.
The FUE technique is used instead of taking the tape. Individual grafts are pulled using a hole connected to an automatic or robotic arm. Harvested baits are raised, scars are left small, such as dots, although there is no suture. Small cracks (or holes) Grafts are then carefully placed to complete the process. Results usually appear after 6-8 months.

Food ingredients

You need hair follicles for an integrated diet and good care, all of which are found in nature and in foods, such as: iron-rich spinach and vitamin D, as well as some fish such as salmon containing vitamins and proteins, to strengthen the hair and help it grow back. Omega-3, oysters filled with zinc, which cause a deficiency in alopecia of the head and the increase of the group of vegetable oils contribute to increase the growth of the hair and can also be used in bath of oil of hair in order to preserve and prevent falls as well as nuts and seeds rich in fatty acids The bee is used as a topical treatment for hair for 4 weeks to eliminate dermatitis, which causes hair loss.

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