Harvest technology .. An updated Insmegram insider service and a serious gap in Facebook


Among the serious security vulnerabilities that present data at risk, and the modern advantages attracted by technology companies and their users concerned about the technological world, if you are interested in this field, here are the main technological innovations in the world . Today

United States Department of Justice conducts investigation with Facebook on the crisis of "Cambridge Analytica"


Experts: Social Media Fights for Forbidden Documents accounts and the mechanism behind

Instagram introduces a new feature that helps users In the reduction of dependence on the application

  Instagram function
Ingestram feature

[Héritage] [DANS HEBREUX] [DANS HEBREW] 19659006] "Facebook" recognizes the existence of a security defect impact on 800,000 users

  Facebook gap
Vulnerability of Facebook


A disclosed image reveals the next iPhone charger phones [19659003] iPhone Charger “src =” http “/>
iPhone Charger

By numbers .. Everything you need to know about Netflix. (19659003) Netflix

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