Health Hawthorn Benefits – News from the United Arab Emirates


The benefits of the hawthorn plant are many and important, from plants that use their fruits and leaves in folk remedies to formulating drugs and medications, and even nutritional supplements …

The benefits of hawthorn are many and important. Its fruits and leaves in folk remedies and in the composition of drugs and pharmaceuticals, and even supplements, are a plant known throughout the world for its powerful therapeutic properties It is rich in antioxidants and amino acids and a number of vitamins and nutrients.

4] Some studies have suggested that hawthorn can help treat heart failure and treat associated symptoms such as palpitations, dyspnea and fatigue
  • Hawthorn protects against anxiety disorders
  • Hawthorn is used in the treatment of angina pectoris
  • One of the benefits of hawthorn is the ability to lower blood pressure.
  • Flavonoids in hawthorn treat arthritis and strengthen blood vessels.
  • Hawthorn can reduce blood cholesterol because it contains antioxidants.
  • Hawthorn protects against cancer.
  • Hawthorn improves sexual health
  • Hawthorn helps regulate blood sugar levels
  • The benefits of hawthorn can reduce high cholesterol levels.
  • Hawthorn fruits help to lose appetite and lose weight
  • Note: Before or after this treatment or method, please consult your doctor.

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